Friday, August 20, 2010

Hooray for red-state democrats!

I was back in Texas and Oklahoma over the summer, and I am so encouraged by the great candidates for governor in both states.

In Houston, I was a huge fan of Bill White. I think he can make a real stand against Rick Perry, and he would be a great governor... And if he won, well, 2016! So far Perry has been too cowardly to agree to a debate on the issues, but with any luck pressure will force his hand. White's coffers are full, and he will be a formidable foe.

Likewise, Jeri Askins would be a fabulous choice for Oklahoma. She's hard working and dedicated. Oklahoma's going to have a woman governor no matter what, with Askins, we would also have a good governor :)

Council cleared - finally and completely.

The spurious OSBI charges that were tossed around on the campaign trail have finally been resolved. The council did nothing wrong, and you can read about it here.

Unfortunately, resources were wasted in the investigation process... however, if someone thought there could have been a technical violation, then they had every right to request and investigation. What was not reasonable was jumping from suspicion about a minor violation to viscous and slanderous accusations about the integrity of the mayor and the council!

But enough is enough, so I'm just glad this is resolved.