Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mittens off in Mayoral Campaign

This morning, the Norman Transcript ran a story about how dirty the Mayoral campaign has gotten: Gloves off in Mayoral Campaign. They're right, it has gotten dirty, but the story is also pretty flawed. If you read the whole thing, you discover that their leading paragraphs are about a situation with no violations at all. And one that it's pretty hard to spin as dirty... A private citizen gives his name to the campaign, exercises his right to free speech.

Hal Ezzell, not Cindy Rosenthal, has made this campaign dirty and negative:
  • Look at his mailers: these contain major distortions and very little information (see my prior posts). There's a reference to one of these at the bottom of the Transcript article. I wish the paper had used the space to clarify the issue.
  • Make a visit to the campaign websites. Ezzell's seems to say that he wants to talk about the issues and that Cindy Rosenthal won't talk about them, but there are very few specifics on the site. Rosenthal's is all about the good things in Norman. All about those issues that Ezzell claims she refuses to address.
  • Follow Ezzell's supporters' twitter accounts ( is by far the nastiest! shockingly mean, actually. I'm not going to dignify it with a direct link, you have to type it in yourself.)

The main issue about which my mom has been critical of Hal Ezzell is the fact that he has missed many, many finance committee meetings and important budgetary votes--that's something that voters should know about considering that budget cuts are a major part of his platform. Cindy Rosenthal has had plenty of opportunities to twist the truth, and at every turn she clarifies it instead!

I will give the Transcript credit for a good general article on the mayoral race and their reasoned analysis of the council races.

Please help get the word out. Volunteering will start at 1pm at the Chouse at 717 W. Boyd. You can go any time until 5pm, and you don't have to knock doors: we also need people to drop off door hangers reminding our citizens to vote.

If you can't go out, call your friends, remind them to vote, and make sure they aren't being misled!

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