Monday, March 1, 2010

Hal Ezzell's funny finances?

The transcript didn't publish campaign donations like it usually does, but they are available on the city website.

As you can tell from my prior posts, I'm not a big fan of Ezzell, but I was still really shocked when I heard about his finances! His total contributions are almost $64,000, but if you go to the actual list of donations there are less than $17,000 from 44 donors. The rest is a self-contribution/loan of $46,274!!! So, either Ezzell is totally self-financed and utterly without support, or he's hiding the sources of his funding. Hopefully it's not the latter, but it's strange that these questions were removed overnight from his facebook page when a few Norman citizens (not me) asked about the discrepancy. It just doesn't make sense to spend so much money running for a job that basically amounts to volunteering.

On the bright side, Cindy's finances are impressive. Something like 463 donors (not sure if I counted right!) plus more than $5,000 in small donations. I'm particularly impressed by the small donations, because they demonstrate the depth of her support. Ezzell had only $270 in small donations!! All of his money is coming in big checks.

I hope that a news outlet picks up on this story. People have the right to know that the nasty postcards filling their mailboxes are essentially personal ads paid for by Ezzell himself, not Norman residents.

UPDATE: apparently this was in the Transcript's monday paper, it just isn't on their website.


  1. "It just doesn't make sense to spend so much money running for a job that basically amounts to volunteering."

    How much did Rosenthal spend?

  2. You can see in her financial report on the city website that she loaned herself $2000.
