Saturday, February 27, 2010

Last weekend of the campaign! And comments on the OSBI accusations.

Let's start with a the bright side. It's a beautiful day in Norman. If you aren't already out, hit the street and knock on doors or distribute reminders to vote. Today from 9:30-5:00 and Sunday from 1:00-5:00, volunteer organization will happen continuously at the Chouse (717 W. Boyd). You can come any time!

Now, for a short rant. Hal Ezzell has more nasty mailers going out today, as well as very aggressive "persuasion" calls. I can't wait until this is over! To me, one of the most upsetting things about the campaign has been the way it discourages people from seeking public office. My mom is determined not to let these attacks get to her, but the kind of tactics used by Ezzell are the kind that drive good people away from public office! On council or as Mayor, you are already volunteering hundreds of hours of your time (presuming you go to the meetings!), and the reward is false accusations and ad hominem attacks. Norman's a great town, and if anywhere could avoid these kinds of campaigns, I would have thought it would here!

One of the Ezzell mailers deals with these trumped up accusations about the OSBI investigating the city council. The specifics are complicated, and it's my understanding that the mailer doesn't lay anything out, it just makes the empty claim that there is a "Major Ethics Problem" at city hall. The accusation is simply that an issue that should have been discussed in an open meeting also came up in a closed session. Having heard the details and read the coverage, the bottom line is that there there clearly was not a violation. However, even if you aren't convinced by me, here are a few things that might help convince you that this isn't worth your time or your vote:
  1. The city attorney already issued an opinion that there was no violation.
  2. The accusations were against the entire council - Ezzell says it's the mayor who's being investigated, but really if anyone is under investigation, everyone is under investigation.
  3. If you follow the news, you know that nothing much has happened with this convoluted debate over the past year. The OSBI has done very little since the allegations were made, and this seems to be because they know there isn't a case! Resources are scarce and shouldn't be used to drum up scandal where there isn't any.
  4. The accusations were made by councilman Tom Kovach, who is supporting Ezzell's campaign. Basically, it's like this: make an accusation, tell the public that the city is under investigation but not that you started the investigation! Sounds a little bit circular. What a waste of state resources.
  5. I think one of the Ezzell mailers cites transcript articles--go read them all for yourself and see if you think that they're representing the facts fairly and accurately.

Spinning this as "CORRUPTION" reflects badly on Norman and belittles the hard work of our council members. Corruption exists, but this sure isn't it...

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